Thursday, October 28, 2010

Off the Top

Just off the top of Carroll Baker's head...When someone hears the word “Magic” or “Magician”, what is the first thing that they think of? In a non-official survey, 7 out of 10 always thought of the old “Rabbit in the hat trick” and the other 3 thought of a magician in a top hat and tuxedo.

Do you have a top hat? Is it sitting on the shelf collecting lint and dust bunnies? Have you thought of getting a top hat but not sure what to buy.

There are lots of styles still on the market and this blog will try to tell you about your choices.

One of the best Top Hats to consider is the “Collapsible Top Hat”. The Hats come in many colors and look great on any stage. They look elegant and can be used as a production item. The Hats fold flat and are easy to carry. You could even have several of them in a small briefcase that you show on both sides and then pop them into the open position as you produce them and then leave them stacked in a display much bigger than the case they came from.

One of my favorite Folding Top Hats is the Dragon Top Hat. Super cool in both design and looks and will dress up your act nicely and it even has a hidden trapdoor in the bottom.

If you are looking for a place to dump your cards and silks from your manipulation act, the Solid Top Hat with a MAK Eureka table base is the way to go. It screws to the base and is made from a high impact Black Plastic and when not holding up the Top Hat, the base can be used for other tables or props.

The last Top Hat that I’m going to tell you about is a Production item, a Top Hat and the perfect finale to your Card manipulation act. The “Card Fan to Top Hat” folds up like a card fan with very bright card patterns on it and when tossed into the air it changes into the Top Hat on the way down. Beautiful designs and workmanship make this a winner.

I hope this helps in making the decision into which Hat to get but just a little secret between us, you should buy one of each and make a themed act out of MAGIC Top Hats!

Monday, October 18, 2010

WATCHED 10.18.10

Wow! We received the most amazing effect this past week and were literally knocked back on our heels. It was tough getting it away from each other so that we could all test it out. But, let me tell you, WATCHED is an absolute killer! The watch works, so there is no heat on it after the effect. The handling is as easy as any magician could want. AND… The signed coin ends up under the crystal of the watch. Seriously, this is a reputation maker.

You ask for a coin (quarter). You make your mark on one side and have an audience mark the other. Using your “favorite method” vanish the coin. The rest is up to you as to how you do the reveal. Trust me; the look of utter disbelief on the faces of the audience is truly priceless! You can perform WATCHED anywhere! Strolling, table hopping, close-up, platform, anywhere!

This is ”real” magic. Previous versions of this effect have used watches that are gimmicked to the point that they are left as nothing more than a magic prop. This watch can be worn and used, as a working timepiece.

Beyond the coin to watch, the staff is working on other uses for this incredible watch.

Keep check in to see what we have come up with for WATCHED.

Steve, Carroll and Jake

Friday, October 15, 2010

It's Pure Murder 10.15.10

No, we are not killing off the population. MAK Magic has begun producing Murder Inc., again! This is a hallowed classic of stage magic. And back just in time for Halloween.
Into Goth, Geek or Bizarre magic, then this prop is perfect for you.

Imagine the reactions of your audience when you place your helpers head into the box, slide the doors into place and then begin to push real metal swords into the box. Once the swords are all in place, you reveal that you have made the head of your helper vanish! No head, no crime! Was it really murder? Replace the door remove the swords and presto their head is restored and no worst for the experience.

As with the original Murder Inc. this illusion is made in the USA, made of heavy gauge aluminum. It has real metal swords and, get this, NO BLACK ART! It is ingenious! In addition to the FIFTEEN metal swords, you get a Eureka table base.

The magic staff asked itself, “How can we not give this stage classic three thumbs up”… We can’t! It gets the full three thumbs even if someone does loose their head!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Halloween's a coming! 10.06.10

Candy Corn Crystal Silk Cylinder

I have always been a big fan of Halloween and the magic that can be themed around this special magical holiday.

The Crystal Silk Cylinder illusion has been in my Halloween shows as an open for many years. I would like to share the basic routine with you without giving away the whole thing as you never know just how many “Muggles” read this blog.

You need: a Crystal Silk Cylinder with the additional tube, 3, 18” silks that match the colors on traditional candy corn Yellow, Orange and White, one bag of candy corn and a medium sized jack-o-lantern candy bucket for trick or treating. You can even decorate the tube with Halloween themed Scrapbook paper from any craft store.

The candy corn is loaded into the load tube on the Crystal Silk Cylinder and everything is set up on your table with the Crystal Silk Cylinder ready to perform.

You produce the silks in your favorite method, my method is straight from Rice’s Silk Encyclopedia using a square knot and rolled up to be produced one at a time with the flick of the silks. This makes for a great magical start. As you hold the tied silks, you blow on the square knot, making the knot dissolve and place the untied silk on your table next to the Crystal Silk Cylinder. After producing all three, untie them and show the Crystal Silk Cylinder empty by doing the secret move and showing the tubes using your best display move.

Place the silks into the tube in the order of the colors of the candy corn. Place the additional tube on the Crystal Silk Cylinder to hide the silks. Then place the main load tube onto the base. Say your favorite magic words… “Trick or Treat!” and remove both tubes to show that the Crystal Silk Cylinder is filled with the candy corn.

The candy bucket is then held lower than the tube and the candy is poured in. If you pour the candy in the bucket with your hands a little farther apart, the noise and look of the effect is such that there will seem like there is a lot more candy than actually is as it pours into the bucket.

Magically yours,

Carroll Baker